Monday, October 03, 2011


If your tired of Facebook like I am try Google+.  It may take a minute to get used to but it is very user friendly.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Holy Crap!

It's 2011 and I forgot I had a family blog. I'm re-exploring Google products.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Halloween Fun 2007!

The kids got into the Ghoulish Spirit by getting arm deep in pumpkin guts. Hannah picked a goofey smiley face pattern and Christy picked a pattern with mice on the front and a shadow of a cat shines on the wall behind it. It was pretty cool. As for costumes, Hannah dressed up as Velma from Scooby Doo and Lily went as a clown (of course).

As for Halloween Night the girls did great. Lily said "tank u'" (thank you) to everyone which they all thought was cute so they gave her even more candy. After a couple houses she started to figure it out so every house got a ton of "tank u's" and she got a ton of candy! Hannah had a great time and I thought her costume was one of the more inventive one's of the night. I was proud of her for making her own custume rather than wanting to buy one from the store.

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

Dance Baby, Dance!

Sorry, for some reason picasa wouldn't let me rotate this vid.

Fun at the North Pole!

We spent all day here at the north pole. It was a blast. Lily wasn't so sure about some of the rides though. Hannah went on everything!

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

More of "Our day at the Dwellings"!

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Our Day at the Cliff Dwellings!

This was Hannah, Lily and Dads first trip to the cliff dwellings. Hannah and lily enjoyed watching the indian dancers and Nana enjoyed watching the girls.

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Connor's Birthday

Connor's Birthday party was on the 4th of July. It was lot's of fun! The wooden train was his first present and after that he didn't pay attention to anything else (older sis and the cousins had to open the rest). The next day we went to Lee & M's Community center and the kids had a blast playing in the water. It had a water "sprayground" and a lazy river.

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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Resistance is Futile!

This poor guy was just born in Alabama. .......I knew they were putting something in the food.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

It's called MULTI-TASKING!

Mom feeds the imp (and herself).

Lily represents the Lollipop Guild. YOUS GOT A PROBLEM WIT DAT?
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Katie's Wedding

These were taken at Kate's wedding. Christy was the Matron of Honor and Hannah was the Flower Girl.

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