Monday, November 05, 2007

Halloween Fun 2007!

The kids got into the Ghoulish Spirit by getting arm deep in pumpkin guts. Hannah picked a goofey smiley face pattern and Christy picked a pattern with mice on the front and a shadow of a cat shines on the wall behind it. It was pretty cool. As for costumes, Hannah dressed up as Velma from Scooby Doo and Lily went as a clown (of course).

As for Halloween Night the girls did great. Lily said "tank u'" (thank you) to everyone which they all thought was cute so they gave her even more candy. After a couple houses she started to figure it out so every house got a ton of "tank u's" and she got a ton of candy! Hannah had a great time and I thought her costume was one of the more inventive one's of the night. I was proud of her for making her own custume rather than wanting to buy one from the store.

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